Orders placed between December 24 and 27 will be processed starting on December 30. We look forward to your orders!
European Babywearing Week 2018 is a fete, which connects all fans who love the idea of wearing babies in slings and ergonomic wraps all over Europe. The idea of creating EBW was born during Babywearing Conference in Antwerp. Both babywearing consultants and people actively wearing came with the idea that there should be a common way, which would help in the promotion of babywearing. What is more, they agreed that they should work together on the development of knowledge and also build relations beyond boundaries! One of the initiators was dr Rosie Knowles, the author of “Why Babywearing Matters?”. LennyLamb is a Publishing Partner of polish edition!
Carrying connects
The theme of European Babywearing Week 2018 is "Carrying Connects”. Each day has a particular task. Going through them let us see, how many areas are affected by babywearing.
Day 1
The birth of a baby is an incredible joy, but also it is connected with considerable work and being tired. Stress may affect relations between parents. A woven wrap enables dads engaging in childcare and building an intensive relationship with his baby. Give your wife a moment to rest! Be close to each other!
Day 2
Chris is running straight to a swing, whereas Amy has just started crying in a pusher. How to look after babies in such a way that both was happy, were given enough time and attention? With the wrap, everything is possible! A newborn gets closeness and contact. The older one - has a mobile parent, who can focus on him/her.
Day 3
Does magic of a wrap really work?
Yes! Many types of research have been published on this topic! You can read about them in Rosie Knowles’ book “Why Babywearing Matter?”. When we cuddle warm body of your baby and smell his scent, your body produces oxytocin. It is one of this magical substance, which creates a bond...Yes! It also works with dads!
Day 4
A wrap can also be a part of the community. Chit-chats, awaiting for novelties, wrap exchange, sales. Meeting different culture. You try sweets from different countries!
Day 5
Grandchildren are apples in the eyes of grandparents, and helping young parents is invaluable. Caring grandchildren definitely connect generations!
Day 6
In Europe, there are many schools for babywearing consultants. Despite differences, the most important thing is that each babywearing consultant cares for the baby and the parent.
Day 7
Thanks to babywearing we meet many people! Babywearing meetings, Facebook friends. Many of such encounters, turns into a real and long-standing friendship. Who is your soulmate you met thanks to wraps?